On the about page I identify myself as an optimist and it is true. I try look for the best in people and situations. I believe there is always reason for hope, and I trust that God will make all things right in the end. But beyond that, I just think it is only logical to be an optimist. Here is my reasoning:
First, if you divide the world into optimists and pessimists, you can start to make some observations. For example, no matter what happens to an optimist, he thinks it is a positive thing. He will find the good in anything. Conversely, a pessimist will always see only the negative. Consequently optimists live their entire lives experiencing nothing but good things, while pessimists experience nothing but the blues.
So even if two people experience the exact same thing, the optimist is going to feel good about it, while the pessimist will not. But that is not the end of it. Because the optimist feels better and expects more, he actually will get more. He will find good things to which the pessimist is just blind.
The choice seems pretty simple to me.
As I said before I believe there is always reason for hope. I just believe there is some good inside of each of us. Of course I know there is bad too, I just choose to focus on the good. Try it. You’ll feel better for it.
Friday June 10, 2016
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